How you share it matters as much as how you make it. Hanover College Bachelors Thesis Installation. 2004. Reason Column. Screenprints on lazer cut plexi, magnet rods Stacked height 22'' University of Cincinnati Masters Thesis Show, 2007. Acid Drawings, University of Cincinnati Masters Thesis Show. 2007. Personal Faith. 2005. Hanover College Alumni Show. Linoleum Cut prints on woven silk paper. Paper Trail. 2007. Hanover College Solo Show. Unryushi Paper, monofilament string, wooden dowels. Hanover College Solo Show 2007. Hanover College Solo Show, 2007. Hanover College Solo Show, 2007. Hanover College Solo Show, 2007. Installation Detail of "In Memory of the Ash Tree," 2020. Lantern Flies Study. Installation Detail. 2020. "Line of Desmokeation." 2006. Mixed media. After a rule that no one could smoke with in 50 feet of a campus building was enacted, I decided to measure around the DAAP building and create the line using red duct tape and other materials. Illustrating the rule highlighted it's flaws and unenforceability, and also created a highly interactive and controversial work of installation art.